
Mining in Mists of Pandaria to Make Your First Ton of World of Warcraft Gold

The fifth expansion of World of Warcraft (WoW), Mists of Pandaria, is said to be released in late summer due to the history of Blizzard's expansion releases and beta tests. This will just come behind the step of the big hit, Diablo 3, but WoW is still such a hot online game that there are so many players all over the world playing this game even it has been online for seven years. The biggest and best MMORPG is going to shine!

Gamers who ever played or still are playing WoW may already know, one of the most enjoyable and exciting 'side games' in WoW is making tons of WoW gold and collecting the mounts, pets, epic gears and some other novelty items. This will not change even in the new upcoming expansion Mists of Pandaria while the tricks to make WoW gold will.

Farming is always the best method to make WoW gold just right after the new expansion release. During the fourth expansion Cataclysm, players mine Pyrite ore, Elementium ore and Obsidium ore selling to players who are going to level their professions of Engineering, Jewelcraft and Blacksmith. In the very first period of Cataclysm one could make tons of WoW gold from these raw materials

The new ores in Mists of Pandaria are Trillium, Manticyte and Ghost Iron. Trillium could be discovered as White and Black Trillium in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Dread Wastes and Steppes. Manticyte could be found in Kun-Lai Summit, Townlong Steppes, Dread Wastes and Vale of Eternal Blossoms and you could mine the Ghost Iron in the low level zones like Krasarang Wilds, Valley of the Four Winds and The Jade Forest. You should prepare a character of max mining level to make your first ton of WoW gold in Mists of Pandaria and most important - enough inventory space.

There also be the probability to farm the other raw material like new herbs, new cloth and new leathers to make piles of WoW gold but not only by mining. But I thought minerals will be holding the value.

If your character haven't learn any gathering professions and you are in need of lots of ingredient materials and WoW gold, then how to solve your shortage of funds? Why not buy WoW gold from some virtual gold sellers on the Internet? I found a trusted website MMOXP.COM which provides me safe and cheap WoW gold at light speed delivery. I always buy WoW gold from them and their live chat supports are so helpful. To be the first one reach level 90 in your realm, buy WoW gold and start your adventure in WoW!

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