
Overview of WoW Elements

To understand what World of Warcraft, you have to understand its components. In this article we will discuss some of the various components of the game in the survey items WoW ... and at least some of them.

WoW currency

Money is an important element of the game. Your character can get or buy gold, silver and copper to finance his travels and adventures through the lands of Azeroth.

WoW transport

Various transport links are available to learn how online games in different places. With each newly discovered site, the players' flight master "to come. You can use the wizard NPC flight to the previously discovered sites and other areas of the game world to fly.

Objects such as boats or zeppelins can also be used by players to jump from one of the three continents of Azeroth grounds.

Although the game world of Azeroth, it retains a unique flavor, real events, such as children in the week, Christmas, Halloween, Easter and summer are added to give a sense of "connection" to "real life". Players can experiment with variable weather and snow, sand storms and rain. Such items as they help to make the game an incredible experience.

WoW banks

Various facilities are available for game characters when in towns. Registration allows the bank in a number of opportunities to place items such as the treasure of the hand or part, and players can buy more.

WoW auction houses

Auctions are available in major cities of Azeroth, as a way for players to sell virtual items to others as well as Internet auction site eBay, as. Mailboxes can be used by players to earn virtual items for the auction and send messages accumulate in-game money and items to other players. Mailboxes can be found in most cities.

World of Warcraft Dungeons

What is World of Warcraft is really all? For me, it charms the conquest of the dungeon challenge!

There are some challenges require that group of players in WoW, to defeat them. They usually occur in the caves, which are also called "case" of a known type in which a group of characters in the game and work together. Dungeons scattered around the game world up to five characters allowed in a typical group in the cave. Several caves attract more players to come together and form an attack on some of the most difficult tasks in. Despite the big problem for the experienced player can make a great joy.

World Of Warcraft PvP and PvE

WoW there are many ways for a player vs. player (PvP) play together. Some rich people are doing PvP as good as anywhere in the world of WoW game. In such circumstances, the players of the opposite faction can attack each other almost anywhere.

However, the player can choose a player versus environment (PvE) server if he or she does not want the other players, and would prefer to deal only with problems of the environment and the creatures within.

In both types of servers, there are specific areas of the game world with a free for all combat is permitted. For example, on the battlefields and dungeons. Soldiers in the field of experimental character honor points and tokens that are used to buy weapons and armor.

World of Warcraft PC requirements

WoW runs on Windows, platforms and Macintosh. Boxed copies of WoW to use a hybrid CD to install the game, eliminating the need for separate Mac and Windows, retail products.

MMORPG allows players to work together, regardless of the operating system installed on their computers. Despite the fact that it was not certified versions for other operating systems that support the implementation of WoW in Wine Windows API and Cedega, allowing WoW on FreeBSD and Mac OS X, Linux, Finally you can play WoW requires a minimum of 1 GB of RAM or more, at the While in Windows, computers, this game requires at least 512MB of RAM. It contains not less than 15 gigabytes of free hard disk space in the two operating systems.

This survey course covers the elements of WoW, only part of what makes the whole game. Understand that World of Warcraft is a good first step in a game that has millions of gamers around the world and selfish.

Brett is an avid gamer and World Canning Warcraft addict since 2006. Brett has written many articles, guides and recommendations on all matters relating to wow wrote.

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